Bill Robson

Sculptor, Ceramics
Bill’s art career started when he was five and attended the Coste House in Calgary. His painting of his parents on the swinging bridge was made into a card. Over the years, he had the opportunity to attend art classes at the Allied Arts Centre, Ceramic classes at McGill and Mount Royal College. He shared studio space with his ceramics instructor and joined various ceramics clubs.
When Bill was attending University in Montreal in 1970, he visited his cousin Jay Lewis in Ottawa. Jay gave him a burlap bag full of soapstone blocks and told Bill he could have it if he would learn how to carve it. And he did!
Bill honed his skills and has been making wood and soapstone sculptures since 1976.
He has participated in many art shows and fairs and has earned many awards. See the highlights section of this website for more details.
As well, Bill was a CADD and Sculpture teacher at Brentwood College from 1996-2013, and was the Art & Drafting Teacher at Island Oak High School in Duncan, BC from 2014-2015


Sculpture - Soapstone

Sculpture - Soapstone
